This was my first time setting up a complete TS project along with its structure, automated testing, npm scripts, linter, and prettier.

Here are a few articles that I went through to get a clear understanding of project structures in TS.

This is the final structure I went ahead with.

Here are some other resources as well that I referenced to get started with the above-mentioned tools:

Eslint & Prettier Setup

Jest using Babel

Project structure after completion of Challenge 1

Project structure after completion of Challenge 1

Step One

I started by writing a function that would take in a filename as an input and return the total number of bytes. Using the fs module was pretty easy here. It exposes the statSync method to get the information about a file (or statistics)[Ref].

IMHO, it's always good to abstract the functionality you want to achieve by understanding the inputs and outputs for the same.

function byteCount(filename: string): number {
  return fs.statSync(filename).size;

Afterward, I used process.argv to retrieve the command line arguments and find the file's name if present.

To ensure that the filename provided is correct, I used the existsSync method to synchronously check whether a file already exists in the given path.[Ref]

Handled the case if the given file is invalid by displaying relevant information on the console and exiting the process with status code 1.